The programme in Software Development is a top-up bachelor degree for the Computer Science programme. The programme takes 1½ years and is for those who want to be part of the design and construction of large data-intensive distributed IT systems - subjects which are focussed on in the Computer Science programme's 3rd semester.
The Bachelor’s programme in Software Development consists of 4 or 5 core modules and 1 or 2 elective modules, an internship and a final Bachelor’s project.
The modules deal with various issues related to the development of large data-heavy and distributed systems. The modules are completed as separate subjects, and it is your responsibility to create cohesion between the modules in your final bachelor's project.
Examples of elective modules
Additional module
Development and implementation of advanced technical systems
The programme provides you with the skills to participate in the development of technical design and the realisation of systems in a distributed environment. And at the same time, it focuses on the use of widespread methods and technologies.
Become a system developer or architect
As a bachelor in Software Development, you can get the role of system developer/architect in connection with the development of large distributed systems.
The programme is aimed at development work in a society where the rapid development of both society’s general digital needs and an industry’s specific methods are a pre-condition.
The competencies you acquire as a Bachelor of Software Development will be particularly relevant for companies who need to integrate their IT systems, especially when the IT systems are critical to business survival. Your knowledge will also be relevant in situations where development projects involve various types of outsourcing.
Below are some examples of job titles:
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