A global perspective is increasingly important as Chinese businesses take more active roles in foreign markets and as foreign companies tailor their strategies to changing international dynamics. The Global BSC oers three distinct streams that nurture students' interest and ability to function eectively in our integrated yet diverse world.
This programme provides three streams as follows:
Global Business Management (Global BM)
Global BM gives students a managerial, organizational,human-centered, strategic perspective on global business. It focuses on developing qualitative, analytical and communication skills of students, gives students exibility to select elective courses, and allow them to be self-directed. Although there are no requirements to study abroad, students are encouraged to select from a wide variety of SME's exchange programs to learn about business management in foreign environments first-hand.
Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management (Global SCLM)
Global SCLM is a program jointly run by three partner universities:CUHK-Shenzhen, the University of British Columbia and Copenhagen Business School. Each cohort of up to 45 students (15 from each partner university), will spend three terms studying together in Denmark, Canada and China. This experience will teach students foreign cultures and global business practices, while building an international network of elite peers. Global SCLM focuses on flows of physical, human, informational and financial resources that are critical to today's global business, combining qualitative with rigorous quantitative analysis.
Global Business and Innovation (Global BI)
Global BI is a program jointly run by three partner universities:CUHK-Shenzhen, the Darla Moore School of Business of the University of South Carolina and the University of Auckland. Each cohort of up to 30 students (10 from each partner university) will spend three academic terms studying together in the USA, China and New Zealand. This experience will teach students foreign cultures and global business practices while building an international network of elite peers. Global BI focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation. At each partner school students will develop, within groups, plans to create value through innovation in goods, services and business models.
Stojant į šį universitetą svarbu metiniai pažymių vidurkiai ir egzaminų rezultatai. Pažymių vidurkis turi būti ne žemesnis kaip 8, o o išlaikytų egzaminų vidurkis – ne žemesnis kaip 80%.
Brandos atestato originalą gali pateikti iki stojimo pabaigos. Oficialus dokumentas turi būti išversti į anglų kalbą, patvirtintas notaro ir pateiktas kuo greičiau po gavimo.
Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
Testas negali būti senesnis nei 2 metai.
Išimtys taikomos asmenims, kurių gimtoji kalba yra anglų, ir tiems, kurie baigė mokyklą ar bakalaurą anglų kalba.
Jei aplikuojant dar nesi gavęs dokumentų, patvirtinančių testo įvertinimą, gali įkelti ekrano kopiją su savo rezultatais. Originalūs dokumentai registracijos metu yra privalomi.
Stojimo mokestis - Kinijos universitetai taiko stojimo į universitetą mokestį, kurį privalai susimokėti aplikuodamas į universitetą. Stojimas į tris šio universiteto studijų programas kainuoja 90€
Students majoring in Global Business will have a unique opportunity to combine a basic business education with their political and economic coursework, their advanced language, research, and cross-cultural proficiencies. Students are enabled to use the tools from the business disciplines to understand and analyze the firm and the private sector. Ultimately, graduates will be able to understand corporate ethics and social responsibility, and how political and economic environments have made these strategic concerns of the global firm.
More than three quarters of international business graduates are employed six months after graduating. Of these, half are working in business, HR, finance, marketing, PR or sales with the most popular job being marketing executive.
Many graduates choose to pursue further study, with 11.5% studying or choosing to combine work and study. A relatively high proportion (8.8%) of international business graduates are managers.
Tu laukei ilgai. Kantriai žaidei pagal taisykles, kurios buvo ne tavo. Tu laukei. Ir sulaukei. Mokyklos era baigiasi. Šiandien jau Tavęs laukia pasaulis. Kur skrisi? Kur mokysiesi? Kur linksminsiesi? Kur atrasi naujus draugus? Kur iš naujo atrasi save?...
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