This top-up bachelor programme focuses on sales, marketing, finance and business law. You will learn about management and international business-to-business sales in particular.
The programme is a 1½ year bachelor top-up consisting of three semesters.
The programme combines theory with practice through project work and case studies from a broad range of companies. You will develop knowledge and comprehension of business practice, applied theory, and methods used for sales and marketing within an international business perspective.
The programme emphasises business-to-business sales. The focus is on overall themes covered by core subjects including sales and marketing, supply chain management, business law, management/organisation and economics. The first two semesters will be based on theory and practice, whereas the 3rd semester will consist of an internship in a company abroad or in Denmark. You will determine your own professional profile through an elective theme, the internship and the final Bachelor project. The internship will give you the opportunity to use the skills you have obtained in class and apply them in practice. The last semester will also include the final Bachelor project.
Į Top-up (tęstinės studijas) gali stoti baigę kolegiją ar universitetą arba besimokantys paskutiniuose kursuose ir norintys perstoti. Stojant į Top-up reikia turėti 120-180 ECTS kreditų, todėl stodamas įsitikink, kad jų turi pakankamai. Studijos kurias baigei ar tebesimokai turi būti panašios krypties kaip ir tos, į kurias nori stoti, kadangi priėmimas yra paremtas ECTS kreditų suderinamumu. Baigęs tęstinių studijų programą gausi bakalauro diplomą.
Kad galėtum stoti į VIA programas, turi atitikti šiuos anglų kalbos reikalavimus:
The Bachelor Degree in International Sales and Marketing Management provides you with several career opportunities. As a graduate, you will have the potential to specialise in a career in marketing functions such as sales, market research, brand management and advertising.
Your first job could be:
Future job titles could be:
VIA University College is already making a huge effort to help international students find internships and jobs in Denmark. For several years, our Career Service Centre has been offering VIA students help and guidance in searching for jobs and internships in Denmark by offering workshops on “how to write a CV”,or “how to write an application”. The Centre also organizes company dating – a campus fair where students get to meet a lot of Danish companies to hear more about career opportunities. The Career Service Centre is currently intensifying these activities in response to both the Ministry’s and VIA’s wish for international students to remain in Denmark after graduation. We will be offering graduates even more events and opportunities to meet the companies, just as the opening hours at the Career Service Centre have been extended and more seminars will be held. We want our international students to experience that access to the Danish companies and to the Danish labour market will be even easier in the future.
Attached you can find more information about some of the coming events, just as you can find more information on Facebook and on our website :
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