Why BA(Hons) Business and Management?
How do we create sustainable businesses? How will businesses compete in a highly competitive, globalised market?
Businesses are constantly having to challenge their position, re-invent themselves and face the threats of competitors in a rapidly changing globalised industry.
Students no longer need just business theory but vital skills, experience and cutting-edge knowledge of how real businesses work.
Why study our course?
At UWE we do just that, we equip you with the real-world skills, knowledge and experience to hit the ground running and stand out from the crowd.
This practical and flexible course, recognised and valued by employers, offers a broad and comprehensive business degree. It is driven by the needs of organisations with an emphasis on practice-led teaching and skills development. Aimed at those who want a business career but not yet ready to specialise, the flexible nature of the course gives you lots of choice and opportunities to hone interests and skills through numerous specialised modules.
Taught by enthusiastic research-active experts with valuable industry knowledge, you will learn about the main organisational functions marketing, finance and human resource management through relevant modules such as Meeting the Management Challenge, Global Marketing Management, Digital Marketing and International HRM.
Real-world skills and experience
In addition to being academically rigorous with a strong focus on group collaborative work and academic writing, we ensure you graduate 'work ready' with the skills to succeed.
Opportunities to gain paid work experience through placements and internships, along with guest speakers, real case studies, competitions and online simulations, ensure you have regular access to the real world from day one. You will apply what you learn to real business situations giving you a career head start and a brighter future.
Where it can take you
Anywhere! Your career options are truly limitless and depending on specialisms you could enter successful and rewarding careers in management, marketing, finance and HR with large blue chip companies and small to medium enterprises both nationally and internationally.
Watch final year students present their dissertation.
Stojant į šį universitetą dėmesys yra kreipiamas į pažymius ir Brandos atestato vidurkį, kuris turi būti ne žemesnis kaip 8.
Pažymių išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs mokyklos, būtina prisegti pažymių išrašą. Smulkesnę informaciją kaip pildyti išrašą ir kada jis reikalingas, rasi čia.*
Brandos atestatas – jei jau esi baigęs mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie Kastu stojimo anketos prisegti savo Brandos atestatą.
Dėmesio! Konkrečius programos stojimo reikalavimus gali rasti programos aprašyme universiteto tinklapyje. Spausk šiek tiek aukšiau esantį mygtuką Oficiali svetainė, tuomet dešinėje pusėje esančoje meniu juostoje pasirink skiltį Entry, tuomet pamatysi stojimo reikalavimus.
Pavyzdys.: Jeigu stojimo reikalavimuose parašyta: AA-level subjects: Grade C or above in Mathematics plus a pass in one of the following subjects: Biology; Chemistry; Computing/Computer Science; Design and Technology; Electronics; Engineering; ICT; Further Maths; Music Technology; Physics; Statistics. You must have a minimum of two A-Levels, tuomet reiškia, kad turi turėti pažymį 7 iš matematikos ir bent iš vienos išvardintos disciplinos.
(Grade C reiškia 7 ir Grade B reiškia 8).
Svarbu, jog anglų kalbos testo rezultatai universitetą pasiektų iki Liepos 31d.
Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
Anglų kalbos vidurkis 9 B2 lygiu + valstybinis anglų kalbos egzaminas išlaikyti 70 % ir daugiau
IELTS - 6.0
TOEFL – 80
Due to the broad degree and many specialisms you will benefit from diverse career pathways in a range of sectors including management roles in retail, marketing, HR and recruitment. Bristol has a strong local labour market and employers highly value and recognise our course and students. UWE has established good links with organisations and past graduates have secured roles with multinationals, small to medium enterprises and in the public sector.
Many students also take up graduate management schemes, go onto further study or progress to teaching or research careers.
Your career options are truly limitless - one of the benefits of such a broad and practical degree with a strong focus on employability.
Award-winning Careers Service
Our award-winning careers service helps you develop your employment potential through career coaching, a vacancy service for internships, placements, jobs, global opportunities, volunteering and community activity plus support for entrepreneurial activity, and access to employer events.
Creating employable students
UWE Bristol places strong emphasis on employability and skills development at every level. Through work placements, volunteering, study abroad and initiatives nurturing talent and innovation, you will have opportunities to gain valuable real world experience, allowing you to graduate with diverse career opportunities and a competitive place in the job market.
Visit our Employability pages to find out about careers, employers, real world experience and what our students are doing six months after graduating.
Useful links
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