Business Computing BSc(Hons)

West of England University
Miestas, šalis
Bristol, England
Studijų trukmė
3 m.
Programos sritys
Business Information Systems
Studijų kaina
9250.00 GBP
Studijų kalba
English (ENG)
Programos pradžia
Stojimo pabaiga
Apie programą
Stojimo reikalavimai
Karjeros galimybės

Why study business computing?

Businesses need good IT people - and that means people who understand the technology, but also how to apply it to real business challenges.

Web, programming and data analysis are all important strands. So is data analytics, with businesses increasingly using it for consumer research, marketing and social media.

Having a solid base of IT knowledge across all these areas, with a relevant mix of business skills thrown in, will put you in a strong position for current and emerging roles in the digital industry.

Why UWE Bristol?

BSc(Hons) Business Computing teaches you the fundamentals of computer science, with a particular focus on applying different technologies to the needs of businesses.

Gain core knowledge of programming, web development, databases and information systems, as well as technical skills in data manipulation and software design. Learn about data analytics, and specialise in aspects of marketing, business or advanced computer science topics. Develop broader skills employers value in IT professionals, from teamwork and leadership to problem-solving and project management.

Supported by UWE Bristol's engineering and computing partner employers, this course is strongly rooted in industry. Guest lecturers from businesses will regularly share their insights with you, and you'll have the chance to work on live briefs to apply what you learn to actual business scenarios. Depending on where you want to specialise, work placements are available in a choice of organisations.

Where can it take me?

As a graduate, you'll have a strong mix of computing and data analytics skills within a business environment.

This will put you in an excellent position for a wide range of IT-focused careers including business analyst, software developer, data analyst and marketing analyst, to name a few.

Reikalaujamas išsilavinimas

Stojant į šį universitetą dėmesys yra kreipiamas į pažymius ir Brandos atestato vidurkį, kuris turi būti ne žemesnis kaip 8.

  • Pažymių išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs mokyklos, būtina prisegti pažymių išrašą. Smulkesnę informaciją kaip pildyti išrašą ir kada jis reikalingas, rasi čia.*

  • Brandos atestatas – jei jau esi baigęs mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie Kastu stojimo anketos prisegti savo Brandos atestatą.

Dėmesio! Konkrečius programos stojimo reikalavimus gali rasti programos aprašyme universiteto tinklapyje. Spausk šiek tiek aukšiau esantį mygtuką Oficiali svetainė, tuomet dešinėje pusėje esančoje meniu juostoje pasirink skiltį Entry, tuomet pamatysi stojimo reikalavimus.

Pavyzdys.: Jeigu stojimo reikalavimuose parašyta: AA-level subjects: Grade C or above in Mathematics plus a pass in one of the following subjects: Biology; Chemistry; Computing/Computer Science; Design and Technology; Electronics; Engineering; ICT; Further Maths; Music Technology; Physics; Statistics. You must have a minimum of two A-Levels, tuomet reiškia, kad turi turėti pažymį 7 iš matematikos ir bent iš vienos išvardintos disciplinos.
(Grade C reiškia 7 ir Grade B reiškia 8).

Anglų kalbos reikalavimai

Svarbu, jog anglų kalbos testo rezultatai universitetą pasiektų iki Liepos 31d.

Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:

  • Anglų kalbos vidurkis 9 B2 lygiu + valstybinis anglų kalbos egzaminas išlaikyti 70 % ir daugiau

  • IELTS - 6.0

  • TOEFL – 80

You'll graduate with an attractive set of skills and knowledge, that will help you move into a wide range of IT roles including business analyst, software developer, data analyst, marketing analyst and many more.

Get inspired

Our award-winning careers service will develop your employment potential through career coaching and find you graduate jobs, placements and global opportunities.

We can also help find local volunteering and community opportunities, provide support for entrepreneurial activity and get you access to employer events.

Visit our employability pages to learn more about careers, employers and what our students are doing six months after graduating.