In this internationally oriented programme offered by the Thorbecke Academy at NHL Stenden, you get to explore current affairs across a broad spectrum, from the European Union to European policy and from diplomatic relations to intercultural communication.
There’s an increasing demand for people with a broad knowledge of Europe, extensive cultural awareness and communication skills in different languages – for both national and international organisations. With the European Studies programme you learn about Europe, develop your international and practical insights and work on your personal development. The course covers a broad range of subjects including European law, governance, economics and public administration as well as multilingual communication skills and cross-cultural awareness. By the time you graduate, you will be optimally prepared to handle European and international matters effectively. Whether you work at local, regional, national or European level, you’ll be able to make a difference in a single Europe.
Studying European Studies at the Thorbecke Academy at NHL Stenden means combining your cultural awareness and communication skills in different languages with your vision and insights into European policies and issues. You’ll spend part of your European Studies degree abroad, starting with a field trip to Brussels in your second year. Also, our participation in RUN-EU means you can join Short Advanced Programmes and carry out projects with partner institutions in Europe. In your third year, you will first study abroad for six months before moving on to doing an internship for a European organisation. If you opt for a minor at one of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences Grand Tour locations, you could find yourself going to South Africa, Bali or Thailand. Or you can go on an exchange to a partner institution and delve into a totally new way of studying. With over 100 different minors on offer through NHL Stenden and held at locations all over the world, you're sure to find the perfect specialisation, from International Relations to Cross-Border Migration, Governance and Security and from Mindful Leadership to Cyber resilience of citizens and organisations.
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