In the first year, half the study work is compulsory courses related to Civil and Architectural Engineering in general, e.g. Risk and Reliability, Numerical analysis, etc. The other half is an individual selection of two specialised study packages, e.g. Structural dynamics and Monitoring, Construction management etc. The second year involves a thesis, the topic of which is decided upon consultation with professors.
The programme is taught by faculty members who are active researchers, so students benefit from a research-intensive environment and have the opportunity to work with researchers, as well as the chance to complete a project in collaboration with a private company.
Choice of study packages
The first year of the MSc degree programme consists of a basic study package (30 ECTS) and two specialised study packages. All students take the basic study package, but you can choose your own specialised study packages from among the fields listed below. Each specialised study package amounts to 15 ECTS credits. The second year consists of an optional programme and a thesis.
You combine the specialised study packages with an optional programme, and conclude your studies with a written thesis. You can thus become a specialist in relevant fields of study connected with civil and architectural engineering.
Į magistro studijų programas gali stoti visi, baigę universitetą arba besimokantys paskutiniame kurse. Studijos kurias baigei ar tebesimokai turi būti panašios krypties kaip ir tos, į kurias nori stoti, kadangi priėmimas yra paremtas ECTS kreditų suderinamumu.
ECTS kreditų išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs aukštosios mokyklos, būtina prisegti ECTS kreditų išrašą, kuriame būtų matyti, kokius dalykus Tu mokeisi bei kokius pažymius ir kiek kreditų už juos gavai. Kai siunti anketą paskutiniame kurse, diplomą reikia prisegti vėliau, kai tik jį gausi.
Bakalauro diplomas – jei jau esi baigęs aukštąją mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie anketos prisegti savo Bakalauro diplomą.
Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
A Bachelor of science degree with at least 60 ECTS in Civil and Architectural Engineering can qualify students for admission, provided that the academic requirements for the graduate engineer degree programme are met.
The varied forms of teaching, collaboration in groups and the opportunity for close scientific dialogue with the researchers, as well as the strong relationship with the industrial sector, provide graduates with competencies that are in great demand in the global job market. These competencies include abstract, critical and independent thinking, analytical skills, and strategic planning. You can use these skills in many contexts – even in jobs you didn’t know you were qualified for.
Previous graduates of the MSc Civil and Architectural Engineering programme are employed by consulting engineering firms, entrepreneurial firms, property companies, architecture firms, or in the building component industry. Graduates typically work in roles that involve developing and designing advanced building constructions, advanced energy technology solutions and industrialised building components – frequently in interdisciplinary collaboration with architects and designers.
Tu laukei ilgai. Kantriai žaidei pagal taisykles, kurios buvo ne tavo. Tu laukei. Ir sulaukei. Mokyklos era baigiasi. Šiandien jau Tavęs laukia pasaulis. Kur skrisi? Kur mokysiesi? Kur linksminsiesi? Kur atrasi naujus draugus? Kur iš naujo atrasi save?...
Studijas užsienyje renkasi asmenybės, kurių netenkina narvelio rutina. Sparnus kelia tie, kurie mąsto plačiau ir nebijo iš gyvenimo pasiimti daugiau. O kas esi Tu?
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