This unique course gives you the technical and practical skills required for a career in culinary arts whilst educating you about the industry and giving you valuable professional management skills.
You will also develop intellectual critical thinking and problem solving, essential to a career in any sector.
The theme of the course is employability through skills acquisition, experiential learning, industry exposure and academic rigour. The college has well developed industry links, through patrons and sponsors, to both network and develop relevant skills demanded by today's employers.
Why choose this course?
On this course, you will develop a range of kitchen and patisserie techniques as well as studying theoretical modules in areas such as food microbiology, diet and nutrition and gastronomy.
You will also undertake a range of management modules to help you to develop the business and people skills needed to become a successful manager within the industry.
You will be encouraged to undertake a four week work placement at the end of your first year. The placement will be undertaken in a well-recognised establishment, where you will be able to practise your technical and professional skills.
You will have the opportunity to undertake a stage or participate in industry events. UWL patrons and placement providers are aware of the need to gain industry exposure, and provide excellent opportunities for students at leading establishments in London and surrounding areas.
This can include visits and field trips, as well as working with renowned industry professionals on events through the Colleges’ active celebrity guest demonstration and speaker schedule. The College is successful in national and international competitions and students are encouraged to participate, as this is an opportunity for them to raise their personal profile in the industry.
Stojant į šį universitetą dėmesys yra kreipiamas į pažymius ir Brandos atestato vidurkį, kuris turi būti ne žemesnis kaip 7.
Pažymių išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs mokyklos, būtina prisegti pažymių išrašą. Smulkesnę informaciją kaip pildyti išrašą ir kada jis reikalingas, rasi čia.*
Brandos atestatas – jei jau esi baigęs mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie Kastu stojimo anketos prisegti savo Brandos atestatą.
Svarbu, jog anglų kalbos testo rezultatai universitetą pasiektų iki Liepos 31d.
Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
Anglų kalbos vidurkis 8 B2 lygiu.
IELTS - 6.0
TOEFL – 80
On graduation, you are likely to start in a junior role progressing quickly to supervisory roles. Popular careers include:
food production management
product development
food and beverage management
education and training
food and equipment promotion and writing
private chef
chartered yacht chef.
Tu laukei ilgai. Kantriai žaidei pagal taisykles, kurios buvo ne tavo. Tu laukei. Ir sulaukei. Mokyklos era baigiasi. Šiandien jau Tavęs laukia pasaulis. Kur skrisi? Kur mokysiesi? Kur linksminsiesi? Kur atrasi naujus draugus? Kur iš naujo atrasi save?...
Studijas užsienyje renkasi asmenybės, kurių netenkina narvelio rutina. Sparnus kelia tie, kurie mąsto plačiau ir nebijo iš gyvenimo pasiimti daugiau. O kas esi Tu?
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