The London College of Music's postgraduate course in Performance offers a generous allowance of one-to-one instrumental tuition with internationally renowned recitalists. The course provides a range of fascinating modules that support and extend practical musicianship.
You can also benefit from London College of Music's (LCM) weekly Postgraduate Research Seminars and Composition Workshops, which offer great opportunities to learn new skills and network with students from other postgraduate courses.
LCM also has several large ensembles, including the LCM Sinfonia, LCM Big Band, LCM Choir, and LCM Glee Choir, which students can participate in.
In some cases, the final recital may also be considered for the award of Fellow of the London College of Music (FLCM), which is available to registered LCM students with a fee discount.
Why choose this course?
The MMus course focuses on developing your musical performance at an advanced level, so you’ll become a more confident performer.
MMus Performance students benefit from:
one-to-one tuition with our instrumental teaching staff (all are internationally acclaimed recitalists)
playing and learning with other students in workshops
LCM’s lively musical environment.
The course explores a wide range of 20th and 21st Century music and performance styles – and you’ll be encouraged to develop your own.
It places particular emphasis on developing critical thinking and listening skills and aims to give you the opportunity to experiment with a broad range of performance styles.
In some cases, the final recital may also be considered for the award of Fellow of the London College of Music (FLCM), which is available to registered LCM students with a fee discount.
Į magistro studijų programas gali stoti visi, baigę universitetą arba besimokantys paskutiniame kurse. Studijos kurias baigei ar tebesimokai turi būti panašios krypties kaip ir tos, į kurias nori stoti, kadangi priėmimas yra paremtas ECTS kreditų suderinamumu.
ECTS kreditų išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs aukštosios mokyklos, būtina prisegti ECTS kreditų išrašą, kuriame būtų matyti, kokius dalykus Tu mokeisi bei kokius pažymius ir kiek kreditų už juos gavai. Kai siunti anketą paskutiniame kurse, diplomą reikia prisegti vėliau, kai tik jį gausi.
Bakalauro diplomas – jei jau esi baigęs aukštąją mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie anketos prisegti savo Bakalauro diplomą.
Svarbu, jog anglų kalbos testo rezultatai universitetą pasiektų iki Liepos 31d.
Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
IELTS - 6.5
TOEFL - 90
Graduates will leave the course more confident performers and better informed all-round musicians, having gained musical insight and transferable skills including being able to evaluate situations, engage in professional dialogue and work effectively with others. Graduates will most likely pursue a career as a professional performing musician.
Tu laukei ilgai. Kantriai žaidei pagal taisykles, kurios buvo ne tavo. Tu laukei. Ir sulaukei. Mokyklos era baigiasi. Šiandien jau Tavęs laukia pasaulis. Kur skrisi? Kur mokysiesi? Kur linksminsiesi? Kur atrasi naujus draugus? Kur iš naujo atrasi save?...
Studijas užsienyje renkasi asmenybės, kurių netenkina narvelio rutina. Sparnus kelia tie, kurie mąsto plačiau ir nebijo iš gyvenimo pasiimti daugiau. O kas esi Tu?
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