In this only academic bachelor's programme in the Netherlands, you will work on the story behind leisure. You will learn how companies can use social media more effectively to attract people. You will also learn which business models are needed in this complex and dynamic leisure sector. You will ensure that people can enjoy their leisure time to the fullest. The programme is a collaboration with Tilburg University.
The academic Bachelor of Science Leisure Studies is 'knowledge-oriented'. During your studies you develop a number of academic and management competencies by analysing academic knowledge. To do this, you will often work independently and sometimes in small groups on cases and assignments. In the field of leisure, the various lines of approach offered by, for example, psychology, sociology and anthropology, only offer partial explanations of what people want – and are able to do – in their leisure time. This means that if you want to understand leisure, you will need to adapt to new and unexpected situations, by using old ideas, theories and methods in new ways, or by developing fresh new ideas – which can then be assessed and researched. This is how we push the boundaries and make crucial new contributions to existing knowledge in the industry.
The programme is completely English-taught and runs over three years. The first year exists out of four terms, the second and third years is organized into two semesters. Breda University of Applied Sciences also offers two professional bachelor programmes in the field of leisure: Leisure & Events Management, which is also taught in English, and Leisure & Events Management (NL), which is taught in Dutch.
The academic Bachelor of Science Leisure Studies is a separate programme within Breda University of Applied Sciences with its own management. The core team not only teaches on the programme, but also conducts substantial research which is financed by third parties. Most of the lecturers hold, or are working on, a PhD.
To be more effective, efficient, creative and decisive, Breda University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg University and several institutes have decided to combine forces on leisure research into a communal Centre for Knowledge called CELTH (Centre of Expertise leisure, tourism & hospitality).
Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
*Jeigu nori pasitikrinti ar tavo anglų kalbos žinios yra pakankamos studijuoti Nyderlandų aukštosiose – suteikiame galimybę laikyti Oxford anglų kalbos testą. Nors anglų kalbos testas nėra reikalaujamas, patartina žinoti savo galimybes ir kalbos lygį.
Get a job
As a leisure expert, you may take up a career in large enterprises in the cultural and leisure sectors, consultancy and engineering agencies, property developers, sports associations, event organisations or state, provincial and local authorities.
Examples of possible professions and employers are:
The logical next step for a graduate of an academic Bachelor programme is to continue with an academic Master. The first group of ‘International Leisure Studies’ students graduated in 2012, and since then ILS graduates have been accepted into Masters’ programmes on, for instance, leisure and tourism, cultural management, human resource management and marketing and communication. In addition, ILS graduates are ideally positioned to enter a career in research, policy development in sports or the cultural sector and consultancy on strategic issues in the public sector.
Obtain a master's degree
Once you have your Bachelor of Science degree, you can continue your study at Breda University of Applied Sciences with a master’s programme. Graduates from the Bachelor of Science Leisure Studies programme have direct access to the Master of Science Leisure and Tourism Studies.
Breda University of Applied Sciences also offers professional master’s programmes, for example:
Other universities
An academic bachelor gives access to all professional and academic master's programmes, but depends on entry requirements of the particular master's programme. Choice of minor courses can help ensure entrance into the master’s programme of your choice. Examples of master’s programmes in which alumni are currently enrolled, are Marketing Management, Management of Cultural Diversity, Sociology, Psychology, Economics and Human Resource Studies.
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