Do you enjoy travelling the world for international business? Would you like to discover which products and raw materials customers need for their innovations, or be proud of your contribution to the sustainability of the food chain?
This programme teaches you everything you need to know to succeed in business. You don’t need to know yet which role you want, whether in sales, marketing, logistics, or even setting up your own business. During the programme, you will explore all these areas. You will receive a standard business education with a specialisation in cross-border trade and the agrisectors, making you especially attractive to future employers.
You will get to know the various sectors within agribusiness in the first part of the study programme. You will also learn how the chain of a particular product is designed. Examples include packaging, chilling and logistics as well as legislation and regulations for export, safety and quality. The courses on marketing, financing, managing product innovation, organising and reporting complete the study programme and are focused on international trade.
International Agribusiness and Tradebrochure.
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Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
*Jeigu nori pasitikrinti ar tavo anglų kalbos žinios yra pakankamos studijuoti Nyderlandų aukštosiose – suteikiame galimybę laikyti Oxford anglų kalbos testą. Nors anglų kalbos testas nėra reikalaujamas, patartina žinoti savo galimybes ir kalbos lygį.
Organisations from the entire international agribusiness sector will be queueing up for you! Large international importers are looking for graduates of food and business programmes who have knowledge of and an affinity for vulnerable agriproducts. Get to work as a team leader of logistics, marketing manager, customer relations manager or product specialist in a production hall.
Supply chain planner
As the person responsible for the distribution of a specific assortment, you will maintain an overview of products and their delivery periods. This way, you will satisfy clients’ demands. Together with sales colleagues, you will discuss what you need and if something is unavailable, you will communicate with the client and propose alternatives.
As a trader, you will be responsible for quotations, daily offers and proactive client communication. You will process orders, monitor purchasing and sales processes and carry out acquisitions. You will regularly visit your domestic and international clients, and by doing so, you will build new relationships and maintain existing ones.
Account manager
It is your task to anchor positive product name awareness. Together with your team, you will develop a long-term plan to increase market share or implement innovations. You will follow market trends and work together with the marketing team to launch products on new markets.
Business operations specialist
In this role, you will help business owners, organisations and companies with issues surrounding permits, emission reduction, the efficiency of ingredients or the improvement of processes. If you work for an agency, then you will work in various locations on improving a healthier or more climate-neutral earnings model. You could also take on this role as a self-employed person.
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