Something for you?
As a Chemistry student you study processes in detail, down to the molecular or even atomic level. To understand molecules or materials, or to create new applications by changing them. In the Chemistry Bachelor's programme, you learn to research the molecular world from both theory and practice. Through theoretical lectures, you study different areas of chemistry, such as organic chemistry, physical chemistry or biochemistry. During the course of your studies you can choose in which direction you want to specialise. In addition, you will learn the mathematical and physical concepts that are important to investigate and predict molecular processes. Because the world on the nanometer scale can only be studied experimentally, you receive extensive training in the practicalities of chemistry. For example, so that you understand the techniques for studying materials - such as lasers or magnetic fields - in detail. And of course an important part of your studies takes place in the lab; through experiments you get to know and study chemical reactions.
Kastu feedback about the program after the visit
IELTS - 6.0 (arba 6.5, priklausomai nuo programos), iš kiekvienos dalies nemažiau 6.0
TOEFL - 80 (arba 90, priklausomai nuo programos), iš kiekvienos dalies ne mažiau negu 20
TOEFL iBT - 80 (arba 90, priklausomai nuo programos), iš kiekvienos dalies ne mažiau negu 20
- Visų dalykų vidurkiai Brandos Atestate privalo būti aukštesni negu 7. Chemijos, matematikos ir fizikos vidurkiai ne mažesni kaip 8.
- Turi laikyti bent 4 valstybinius egzaminus. Trys iš jų turi būti: chemijos, matematikos ir fizikos. Likęs egzaminas pasirinktinai ir ne mažiau kaip 36 balai.
- Visų žemiau esančių dalykų egzaminai turi būti išlaikyti ne mažiau nei 86 balai ir:
Chemiją turi mokytis A lygiu.
Fiziką turi mokytis A lygiu.
Matematiką turi mokytis A lygiu.
After your studies
As a Chemistry graduate you can get straight down to work after finishing your studies as there is virtually no unemployment among chemists. Companies are constantly seeking young talent and the education sector is in desperate need of teachers. After graduating as a chemist, you can continue doing research at a company or a university. You could also go in another direction, such as obtaining your first-level teaching qualification or work as consultant or manager.
Possible occupations
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Studijas užsienyje renkasi asmenybės, kurių netenkina narvelio rutina. Sparnus kelia tie, kurie mąsto plačiau ir nebijo iš gyvenimo pasiimti daugiau. O kas esi Tu?
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