Automotive Engineering

HAN University of Applied Sciences
Miestas, šalis
Arnhem, Netherlands
Studijų trukmė
4 m.
Programos sritys
Automotive Engineering
Studijų kaina
2530.00 EUR
Studijų kalba
English (ENG)
Programos pradžia
Stojimo pabaiga
Apie programą
Stojimo reikalavimai
Karjeros galimybės
HAN University of Applied Sciences has over 70 years of experience in automotive education. If you are technically inclined and have always been interested in motor vehicles and mechanical technology, then this Bachelors course is for you! The challenges facing the modern automotive industry are enormous, as are the career opportunities. Take up the challenge and learn the automotive engineering profession with us!

Automotive Engineering is a full-time Bachelors course. It is taught entirely in English and takes four years to complete.

This degree gives you a thorough technical grounding in automotive engineering. So, you learn subjects like electrical and electronic systems, mechanics and vehicle dynamics. At the same time, you constantly apply your theoretical knowledge in projects. The projects focus on future mobility concepts, such as self-driving automobiles. Later in your degree you specialize in Business Management, Manufacturing, Powertrain, Structural Design, Vehicle Technology or Vehicle Electronics and Control.

What can you do with Automotive Engineering?

With this bachelor degree, you’re a qualified automotive engineer. You have the skills to design and test automobiles and their components. Where you’ll work? Anywhere in the automobile industry. Research and development. Manufacturing. Sales. Take your pick. And we’re not just talking about cars. ‘Automobile’ also includes trucks, buses, special vehicles and motorcycles. And pulled vehicles. Like trailers, semi-trailers and caravans.

Reikalaujamas išsilavinimas
  • Pažymių išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs mokyklos, būtina prisegti pažymių išrašą. Smulkesnę informaciją kaip pildyti išrašą ir kada jis reikalingas, rasi čia.
  • Brandos atestatas – jei jau esi baigęs mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka anketoje prisegti savo Brandos atestatą.



  • Motyvacinis laiškas yra NEprivalomas dokumentas stojant į šio universiteto programas.
  • Interviu - visi stojantys į bakalauro programas privalo sudalyvauti stojimo procedūroje, kurios metu bus vykdomas interviu. Šio interviu tikslas - išsiaiškinti ar pasirinkta programa atitinka tavo poreikius ir lūkesčius.
Anglų kalbos reikalavimai

Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:

  • turėti anglų kalbos pažymį Brandos atestate ir išlaikyti Anglų kalbos valstybinį egzaminą (egzamino rezultatas nėra svarbus, svarbiausia, kad jį išlaikytum)*


  • išlaikyti IELTS arba TOEFL testą.

*Jeigu nori pasitikrinti ar tavo anglų kalbos žinios yra pakankamos studijuoti Nyderlandų aukštosiose – suteikiame galimybę laikyti Oxford anglų kalbos testą. Nors anglų kalbos testas nėra reikalaujamas, patartina žinoti savo galimybes ir kalbos lygį.


Svarbūs reikalavimai
  • Secondary education with passing grades from Physics and Mathematics in advanced level

A career in automotive engineering is a smart choice. The industry is facing all kinds of challenges. Like the transition to electric automobiles. And self-driving vehicles. So as a qualified automotive engineer your skills are in high demand.

Automotive Engineering jobs

With a bachelor in automotive engineering you can work for a wide range of businesses, institutes and agencies. Your work will be in research and development, manufacturing or sales. Not just of automobiles, but also of their components and related products. Here are some automotive engineering jobs you could pursue:

  • Vehicle Development Engineer / Test Engineering
  • Engine Development Engineer / Test Engineer
  • Designer
  • Product Manager
  • Warranty Reclaim Manager
  • Customer Relations Manager

The next step after graduating

So now you have your bachelor in automotive engineering. The next step? Finding a job is simple. Automotive engineers are in high demand. Each year over 40 companies come to the Automotive Centre of Expertise (ACE) Career Day. This is where you, as a graduate, can connect with potential employers. HAN’s alumni network is also a great way of connecting with international automotive companies and research institutes. 

An Msc in Automotive Engineering?

Want to continue your studies? Interested in getting a higher qualification? A job with more responsibility? An MSc in Automotive Engineering is the logical step. Go for a smooth transition into HAN’s Master of Engineering Systems. Or broaden your experiences by studying elsewhere.