You will gain in-depth knowledge of the relationship between human behavior, work and organizations. You will also learn practical skills that enable you to understand and influence the people in an organization. The programme offers valuable practical training in the form of projects. In project groups, so-called labs, you will work on challenging assignments for companies.
During the IHRM programme you will gradually gain the knowledge and develop the skills that will enable you to design innovative solutions to people-related challenges in organizations.
The IHRM programme is structured around the following themes:
- language skills: adequate level of English in speaking, listening, reading and writing;
- intercultural skills: effective and adequate communication in an intercultural environment;
- international professional knowledge: understanding of the HR discipline in the international context;
- international involvement: engagement with the world as a whole; commitment and willingness to participate in the constructive development of social issues, at a national, European and international level.
Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:
*Jeigu nori pasitikrinti ar tavo anglų kalbos žinios yra pakankamos studijuoti Nyderlandų aukštosiose – suteikiame galimybę laikyti Oxford anglų kalbos testą. Nors anglų kalbos testas nėra reikalaujamas, patartina žinoti savo galimybes ir kalbos lygį.
An intake interview is part of the admission procedure.
When you graduate you will be a well-trained professional with in-depth knowledge of change processes and a broad set of intercultural communication skills. You demonstrate a professional approach to working with diverse groups of people in an international environment. Possible positions in organizations worldwide are:
Tu laukei ilgai. Kantriai žaidei pagal taisykles, kurios buvo ne tavo. Tu laukei. Ir sulaukei. Mokyklos era baigiasi. Šiandien jau Tavęs laukia pasaulis. Kur skrisi? Kur mokysiesi? Kur linksminsiesi? Kur atrasi naujus draugus? Kur iš naujo atrasi save?...
Studijas užsienyje renkasi asmenybės, kurių netenkina narvelio rutina. Sparnus kelia tie, kurie mąsto plačiau ir nebijo iš gyvenimo pasiimti daugiau. O kas esi Tu?
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