Human Resource Studies: People Management

Tilburg University
Miestas, šalis
Tilburg, Netherlands
Studijų trukmė
3 m.
Programos sritys
Human Resource Management
Studijų kaina
2530.00 EUR
Studijų kalba
English (ENG)
Programos pradžia
Stojimo pabaiga
Apie programą
Stojimo reikalavimai
Karjeros galimybės
In this program, you will focus on the performance and efficiency of organizations as well as the well-being of their employees. The Bachelor of Human Resources Studies: People Management explores the human side of business (people management). People, work, and management issues are approached from different disciplinary perspectives: psychology, sociology, economics, and management studies.

Human Resource Studies: People Management has an international orientation, with an emphasis on the European context. This is reflected in the choice and content of the cases that you will study during the courses. The program has strong links with large international companies and offers relevant interactions between academic approaches and real-world problems. You will be trained to take evidence-based management decisions.

  • In the first year of your Bachelor's program, you will learn the basic concepts and ideas of psychology, sociology, economics, and management studies. At the end of the year, you will begin to apply these disciplinary perspectives to analyze issues related to work, organization, and people management.
  • During the second year,  you will learn how to combine disciplinary insights and how to apply these insights to real-world people management problems. You will also learn to formulate evidence-based management interventions.
  • In the third year of the program, you will perform scientific research on a people management-related topic. You will be expected to use the theoretical knowledge you have acquired earlier in the program to conduct original scientific research. You will conclude the program with a Bachelor’s thesis.

Human Resource Studies: People Management has an international orientation, with an emphasis on the European context. This is reflected in the choice and content of the cases that you will study.  The program has strong connections with large internationally operating companies and offers a relevant interaction between academic approaches and real-world problems. You will be trained to take evidence-based management decisions.

Reikalaujamas išsilavinimas
  • Pažymių išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs mokyklos, būtina prisegti pažymių išrašą. Smulkesnę informaciją kaip pildyti išrašą ir kada jis reikalingas, rasi čia.
  • Brandos atestatas – jei jau esi baigęs mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka anketoje prisegti savo Brandos atestatą.




  • Motyvacinis laiškas yra privalomas dokumentas stojant į šio universiteto programas.
  • CV - stojant į visas bakalauro programas reikia pateikti savo CV. 
  • Vienas iš stojimo etapų į Tilburg University yra Matching/Selection procedure (reikės atlikti arba papildomas užduotis, arba pateikti papildomus dokumentus arba sudalyvauti interviu).



Anglų kalbos reikalavimai

SVARBU: anglų kalbos testo sertifikatą privaloma pateikti kartu su visais dokumentais, atsiunčiant anketą. Universitetas nesvarsto stojimo anketų be anglų kalbos testo rezultatų, todėl sertifikatą privaloma pateikti iki stojimo pabaigos. Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:

  • IELTS – 6.0, iš kiekvienos dalies ne mažiau nei 5.5
  • TOEFL – 80


Svarbūs reikalavimai
  • A good knowledge of mathematics is important for being successful in this Bachelor’s program.
  • Mathematics up until your final year in high school.
Kiti reikalavimai
  • CV- stojant į visas programas reikia pateikti savo gyvenimo aprašymą.
  • Visi, kurie dar nėra pabaigę mokyklos ir į šį universitetą stoja besimokydami 12 klasėje, kartu su pažymių išrašu privalo prisegti Statement of Education. Formą rasi ČIA.

A Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Studies: People Management qualifies you for junior HR positions such as management trainee, junior policy advisor and recruiter. These positions can be found in various types of companies and agencies, including multinational corporations, hospitals, government, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

At a later stage in your career, you will grow into more strategic roles such as HR Manager, HR Specialist, consultant, senior policy advisor or researcher.


Subsequent Master’s programs in Human Resource Studies: People Management

Following your Bachelor's program, you can also continue towards a Master's degree. The curriculum choices and mobility window enable you to prepare for the Master’s program of your choice, such as:

  • MSc in Human Resource Studies
  • MSc in Health, Well-being and Society
  • MSc in Organization Studies
  • MSc in Organizing for Global Social Challenges
  • MSc in Politics, Policy and Societal Development
  • MSc in Sociology
  • MSc in Data Science and Society
  • MSc in Strategic Management
  • LLM in Labour Law & Employment Relations
  • Research Master in Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Research Master in Psychology: Individual Differences and Assessment

If you wish to continue with a Psychology Master’s program, you are required to take several Psychology courses (see the program website for the list of courses) or do an individual Pre-Master’s program: 

  • Work and Organizational Psychology
  • Economic Psychology
  • Cognitive Neuropsychology
  • Positive Psychology and Well-being