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Arts and Culture Studies focuses on art in its various forms: visual arts, literature, music, theatre, film and architecture, as well as digital media and popular culture. After an introduction to long-term developments in western art history, we zoom in on the art worlds of Europe and the Americas in the past hundred years or so. Our approach is interdisciplinary, comparative and multi-medial: you will not only analyse art forms in and by themselves, but will also learn to compare and contrast them. Students are invited to explore art and culture from a number of theoretical, historical, political and social perspectives, incorporating European and American views on culture. You will learn to discern differences between art forms, and between contemporary and historical valuations of art, as well as how to apply theoretical concepts to analyse cultural phenomena. During the programme you're encouraged to develop your own well-founded vision on art and (popular) culture.
The first year introduces you to different forms of art and culture, from the ancient Greeks to the present. We consider depth important: we train specialists with good subject knowledge who have a well-founded vision of their own. We opt for a geographical focus: Europe and America - although cases from other regions are certainly also covered. Because you will immerse yourself in various art disciplines, you will gain a multifaceted perspective on art and culture. You will go out to see art; you will regularly visit museums, theatres, concert halls and cinemas. And you will get to know the different sides of the field and work on your academic skills, such as searching and analysing literature, writing papers and giving presentations.
In the second and third year, you will expand your knowledge and explore the subjects you find most interesting. At the end of the third year, you can do independent research and write a bachelor's thesis on it. In many courses you will be lectured by people working in the cultural sector and you and your fellow students will regularly visit cultural institutions to see how things work in practice.
Kastu feedback about the program after the visit
IELTS - 6.0 (arba 6.5, priklausomai nuo programos), iš kiekvienos dalies nemažiau 6.0
TOEFL - 80 (arba 90, priklausomai nuo programos), iš kiekvienos dalies ne mažiau negu 20
TOEFL iBT - 80 (arba 90, priklausomai nuo programos), iš kiekvienos dalies ne mažiau negu 20
Possible occupations
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