Žiemos stojimas - pradėk studijas 2019 m. vasarį!

Nesuspėjusius pradėti studijuoti nuo šio rudens norime nuraminti ir pradžiuginti – šiuo metu vyksta stojimas į užsienio aukštąsias mokyklas, organizuojančias studijas nuo žiemos semestro. Teikti dokumentus ir paraiškas gali visi, kurie yra baigę mokyklą, kolegiją ar universitetą.

Į kokias aukštąsias mokyklas gali stoti?

Žiemos stojime gali teikti anketą tik į žemiau sąraše nurodytas studijų programas Danijoje, Nyderlanduose ir Anglijoje.

Šalia programos yra nurodyta kokios pakopos studijų programa tai yra (bakalauro, tęstinė ar magistro).

DĖMĖSIO! Atsidarius programos nuorodą matysi, jog anketos pateikimo ir studijų pradžios data yra nurodyta 2019 metams - nekreipk į tai dėmesio, tai datos skirtos stojantiesiems pagrindiniu stojimu pavasarį.

Jeigu nori stoti Žiemos stojime - vadovaukis šioje naujienoje nurodyta informacija. Anketos pateikimo datas rasi po programų sąrašu.

Informaciją apie reikalaujamą anglų kalbos žinių patvirtinimo būdą rasti čia.


University College Northern Denmark


Tilburg University

Accountancy (Master)*

Business Analytics and Operations Research (Master)*

Business Communication and Digital Media (Master)*

Cognitive Science and Artificial Inteligence (Master)*

Communication Design (Master)*

Data Science: Business and Governance (Master)*

Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (Master)*

Econometrics and Mathematical Economics: Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar) track (Master)*

Economics: Behavioral Economics track (Master)*

Economics: Competition and Regulation trac (Master)*

Economics: Money, Banking and Financial Markets track (Master)*

Economics: Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar) track (Master)*

Economics: Public Policy track (Master)*

Economics: Sustainability and Growth track (Master)* 

Human Resource Studies (Master)*

Information Management (Master)*

International Management (Master)*

Information Technology for Enterprise Management*

LLM International Law and Human Rights (Master)

LLM International Business Law (Master)*

LLM European Union Law (Master)*

LLM Labour Law and Employment Relations (Master)*

LLM Law and Technology (Master)*

LLM International Law and Global Governance (Master)*

Marketing Management (Master)*

Marketing Analytics (Master)*

New Media Design (Master)*

Philosophy of Contemporary Challenges (Master) *

Philosophy of Humanity and Culture (Master) *

Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science (Master)*

Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science: Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar) track (Master)*

Supply Chain Management (Master)*

Sociology (Master)

Strategic Management: Entrepreneurship track (Master)*

Research Master in Language and Communication (Master)*

Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Hotel Management School Maastricht


University of Bedfordshire

Accounting (Bachelor)

Accounting and Finance (Bachelor)

Advertising and Marketing Communications (Bachelor)

Art and Design (Bachelor)

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (Bachelor)

Applied Social Studies (Bachelor)

Aviation and Airport Management (Bachelor)

Automotive Engineering BEng (Bachelor)

Business Administration (Top - up)

Business Economics (Bachelor)

Business Information Systems (Bachelor)

Business Studies with Finance (Bachelor)

Business Studies (General route) (Bachelor)

Business Studies (International) (Bachelor)

Business Studies (Project Management) (Bachelor)

Business Studies with Marketing (Bachelor)

Business Management (Bachelor)

Business Management with Law (Bachelor)

Child and Adolescent Studies (Bachelor)

Computer Animation and Visual Effects (Bachelor)

Computer Games Development (Bachelor)

Computer Networking (Bachelor)

Computer Science (Bachelor)

Computer Science and Robotics (Bachelor)

Computer Science and Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Computer Security and Forensics (Bachelor)

Computer Systems Engineering (Bachelor)

Computing and Mathematics (Bachelor)

Computing and Data Science (Bachelor)

Communication and Reputation Management (Bachelor)c

Criminology (Bachelor)

Cybersecurity BSc (Bachelor)

Data Science (Bachelor)

Early Childhood Education (Bachelor)

Economics and Finance (Bachelor)

Electronic Engineering (Bachelor)

English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Bachelor)

English Literature (Bachelor)

Event Management (Bachelor)

Film Production (Bachelor)

Football Studies (Bachelor)

Health and Social Care (Bachelor)

Health, Nutrition and Exercise (Bachelor)

Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

Human Resources Management with Law (Bachelor)

Information Systems (Bachelor)

Information and Data Systems (Bachelor)

Interactive Digital Technologies (Bachelor)

Information Technology BSc (Bachelor)

International Tourism Management (Bachelor)

International Tourism with Events Management (Bachelor)

International Tourism with Hospitality Management (Bachelor)

Journalism (Bachelor)

Journalism, Marketing and Public Relations (Bachelor)

Marketing (Bachelor)

Marketing with Events Management (Bachelor)

Marketing with International Tourism Management (Bachelor)

Marketing with Aviation and Airport Management (Bachelor)

Media Production (Bachelor)

Media, Marketing and Public Relations BA (Bachelor)

Mechanical Engineering BEng (Bachelor)

Music Technology (Bachelor)

Nursing Studies (Top - up)

Performing Arts (Bachelor)

Photographic Practices (Bachelor)

Policing and Criminal Investigation (Bachelor)

Psychology (Bachelor)

Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Special Needs and Inclusive Education (Bachelor)

Sport and Exercise Science (Bachelor)

Sport and Physical Education (Bachelor)

Sport Development and Management (Bachelor)

Sport Science and Coaching (Bachelor)

Sport Science and Personal Training (Bachelor)

Sports Journalism (Bachelor)

Strength and Conditioning (Bachelor)

Telecommunications and Network Engineering (Bachelor)

Travel, Aviation and Tourism Management (Bachelor)

Anglia Ruskin University

Accounting and Finance (Bachelor)

Audio and Music Technology (Bachelor)

Acute Care (Top - up)

Business Administration (Top - up)

Biomedical Science (Bachelor)

Building Surveying (Bachelor)

Business and Events Management (London)(Bachelor)

Business and Healthcare Management (London) (Bachelor)

Business and Hospitality Management (London)(Bachelor)

Business and Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

Business and Marketing (London) (Bachelor)

Business and Tourism Management (London) (Bachelor)

Business Management (Bachelor)

Business Management and Finance (Bachelor)

Business Management and Leadership (Bachelor)

Civil Engineering (Bachelor)

Computer Science (Bachelor)

Construction Management (Bachelor)

Crime and Investigative Studies (Bachelor)

Drama (Bachelor)

Education (Bachelor)

English Language (Bachelor)

English Language and Linguistics (Bachelor)

Finance and Accounting (London) (Bachelor)

Finance and Business Analytics (Bachelor)

Forensic Science (Bachelor)

Health and Social Care (London) (Bachelor)

International Business Management (Bachelor)

International Business Management (London) (Bachelor)

International Business (Top - up)

International Nursing Studies (Bachelor)

Law (Bachelor)

Law and Accounting (London) (Bachelor)

Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor)

Music (Bachelor)

Nursing - Adult (Bachelor)

Nursing - Mental Health (Bachelor)

Performing Arts (Bachelor)

Popular Music (Bachelor)

Primary Care Nursing (Top - up)

Quantity Surveying (Bachelor)

Tourism Management (Bachelor)

Accounting and Finance  (Master)

Animal Behaviour Applications for Conservation (Master)

Applied Bioscience (Master)

Applied Positive Psychology (Master)

Applied Wildlife Conservation (Master)

Children and Young People  (Master)

Civil Engineering (Master)

Clinical Child Psychology (Master)

Clinical Nursing (Master)

Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (Master)

Computer Science (Master)

Construction Management (Master)

Construction Project Management (Master)

Consumer Psychology (Master)

Creative Writing (Master)

Creative Writing and Publishing (Master)

Criminology (Master)

Digital Economy LLM (Master)

Early Childhood Education (Master)

Education (Master)

Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Master)

Engineering Management (Master)

English Literature (Master)

Film and Television Production (Master)

Forensic Science (Master)

Healthcare Management MBA(Master)

Information and Communication Technology (Conversion) (Master)

Intercultural Communication (Master)

International Business (Master)

International Business Law (Master)

International Commercial Law (Master)

International Hospitality and Tourism Management (Master)

International Law LLM (Master)

International Project Management (Master)

International Relations (Master)

Management (Master)

Marketing (Master)

Master of Business Administration (Master)

Master of Business Administration - Healthcare MBA (Master)

Master of Business Administration - International MBA(Master)

Mechanical Engineering (Master)

Mental Health (Master)

Primary Care Nursing (Master)

Project Management (Master)

Public Health (Master)

Publishing (Master)

Research Methods in Psychology(Master)

Sociology (Master)

Special Educational Needs and Disability (Master)

Town Planning (Master)

*stojimo anketą reikia atsiųsti iki rugsėjo 25d.
**stojimo anketą reikia atsiųsti iki spalio 13d.
***stojimo anketą reikia atsiųsti iki lapkričio 13 d.
**** stojimo anketą reikia atsiųsti iki spalio 29 d. 

SVARBU: Anglijoje taip pat siūlomas didelis magistrantūros programų skaičius (ne vien aukščiau paminėtuose Anglijos universitetuose, bet ir kituose).  Dėl išsamesnės informacijos apie magistro programas prašome kreiptis į Kastu konsultantus.